Above: The Bahá’í House of Worship for North America, Wilmette, IL

Bahá’í Faith Community of Lake Geneva Welcomes You!

Here in Lake Geneva, we are a young faith community within the youngest of the world's religions (dating to 1844). As Bahá’ís, we recognize the divine origin and fundamental unity underlying the teachings of all the Founders of past religions. The Bahá’í Faith is the latest in this line of unfolding Revelation.

"The Bahá´í Faith is consolation for humanity."
(~ Mahatma Gandhi)

While the youngest world Faith, you'll find Bahá’ís in more places around the globe today than any religion except for Christianity: 236 countries and territories.

If you are searching for something more in your spiritual life, if you are seeking a cause which is helping build global unity, if you believe that God's Word can be found in all the world's scriptures, then we invite you to explore the Bahá’í Faith. It may just be the path you're looking for...and the path to which God is calling you.

If you feel you'd like to know more, wish to attend an upcoming devotional or informational gathering in our area, or join us in studying the Bahá’í Writings, just click the Contact Us button below to email us or send us the Contact Form. We look forward to hearing from you! And if you are a Bahá’í visiting or moving to the Lake Geneva area, please get in touch. We'd like to welcome you to the community!

We'll be adding
links and information here regularly, so keep checking back.

You can view brief video introductions to the Bahá’í Faith on the Bahá’í National Center's YouTube Channel.